Photo courtesy of Nick TranSan Diego Chapter
American Payroll Association                                                                 


October 15, 2020 - Half-Day Webinar: OnDemand Pay, ScholarShare 529 Program and CalSavers

  • 10/15/2020
  • 1:15 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Online - Registration Required by 9am 10/15/2020


Topic: October 15, 2020 - Half-Day Webinar

Topics & Speakers:

  • 1:30pm: OnDemand Pay and Navigating Early Wage Access Laws and Regulations - Brian Slowik, rapid! Paycard
  • 2:45pm: ScholarShare 529 Workplace Savings Program - Julio Cesar Lugo, TIAA-CREF
  • 4:00pm: State Mandated Retirement: CalSavers - , Jason Gilbert, Director of Field Representatives, Ascensus Government Savings

Please note that Registration is required for Members and Non Members in order to participate in our webinar and will only be available until Thursday 10/15 at 9:00 am.

Meeting starts promptly at 1:15 p.m. and ends at 5:00 p.m.

Important note: RCH’s will be awarded for any attendee remaining until 5:00 p.m. Please keep track of your recertification credits. The chapter cannot provide duplicates or attendance history.

Meeting free to members, non-members fee: $40. (Online credit card payment now available)

Location: Online - Login information will be emailed to registrants by 11:00am Thursday, October 15, 2020.

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